Hi, My name’s Angel Parra but everybody calls me Angelus. I`m from Maracaibo, originally. I`m 20 years old and I study accountant's office publishes at URBE. I live in Maracaibo, in El Varillal.
I love to listen to music, to surfing the net with my friends, to eat, to sleep, to leave to the cinema, celebrations… to play soccer, to see TV, talking on the pone with my friends and to see the baseball games
I hate to early smoke, to raise a weekend, to clean my quarter to me, to washing the dishes, the soups of grains, the tomato and brocoli
My dream is to graduate me as accountant I publish to be able to help my family economically, to have a stable work to be able to have my family and power to world-wide offer a stable economic future them and to be a very famous and recognized soccer player
My opinion about English the power is very important to know and to know how to speak English since this language is used universally in the world and it allows the communication us with other people in different places from the world, of equal way offers the opportunity us to obtain a good stable economic remuneration reason why nowadays they ask for people bilingues in different labor areas. The most difficult for me is speaking. I need to practice more. I hope I can make a lot of friends and practice speaking in this class
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